On Titan Gym:
Phyllis started studying Krav Maga at Titan Gym on her 47th birthday alongside her 17-year-old son, Michael. As principal, she has personally seen a rise in crime around the school. Additionally, 5 years ago, over Thanksgiving break, thieves broke into her family home while her children and husband were home. While the men were chased out of the house by her husband, these events made her realize that it was very important to know how to personally defend yourself. Through the recommendation of a colleague, she soon discovered Krav Maga and Titan Gym. “In addition to a very rigorous workout, the training I am learning is incredible and the instructors are absolutely fantastic!” So much so, that Phyllis has asked Titan Gym to hold several seminars at her school for her staff, parents, and students. “I think the message is a simple one that needs to be heard, ‘Defend yourself and fight back if someone’s intent is to hurt you. You are worth defending.’ Sometimes, for whatever reason, we are of the mindset of being too compliant with someone wanting to hurt us. We are all worth defending and it is ok to give ourselves permission to do so.”
Phyllis Cavallone is a wife and mother to two teenage sons and lives in the Beverly neighborhood on the south side. In addition to studying Krav Maga, Phyllis enjoys pilates, yoga, running, reading, and hanging out with family and friends. She is currently a principal of a Catholic elementary school in Chinatown.